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What Gear Do I Need For Hiking

Heading out for a hike with family or friends is a refreshing way to pass the day. Whether you plan to go deep into the mountains on a trail or just have a short hike close to your home, you will need to be adequately prepared. Failure to do so may cause you to be miserable on the hike (or even worse, you may get lost). To determine the supplies that you will need, you must consider the type of hike that you will be taking as well as the weather forecast on the day that you will be heading out.

At Work, Leisure, Play we have the full range of hiking essentials that you will ever need. To help you prepare, here is a list of must-haves for a hike.

1. Hiking essentials

  • A Map: You need to be able to locate where you are at any point of the hike so this is an absolute must-have.
  • Compass: This works in the same way as the map, it helps to keep you going in the right direction.
  • Sunglasses, a hat, and sunscreen: Hikes generally take place in the warm summer months when the sun is out and shining brightly. Having all the above will ensure that you are protected from sun burn.
  • Spare clothing: When you are going to the outdoors, you cannot predict what will happen, pack an extra pair of clothes just in case you need them.
  • A torch or headlamp: In case your hike goes on a bit longer than expected, these will help you find your way back.
  • First aid kit: Hikes are notorious for abrasions, cuts and bruises. Take a fully stocked first aid kit with you so that you are able to use it in the case of any injury.
  • Firestarter or matches: If you plan to prepare some food along the way or want to spend the night, these are absolute must haves.
  • As much food and water as you can carry.
  • Emergency shelter: This can be a tent, a bivy, or a reflective blanket. You do not want to find yourself stranded out in the cold without shelter.
  • Insect repellent: If you have ever been on a hike, you know why this is necessary
  • Rubbish bag: As you are moving around on your walk, it is important that you do not litter, take a rubbish bag with you so that you do not litter.
  • Emergency contact information: Have this on you so in the event that you are rescued, your rescuers know who to contact.

At Work, Leisure, Play we have a wide variety of hiking gear for you to choose from. Visit our website and view the full catalogue.

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