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How To Set Up A Fishing Rod

Fishing is a relaxing pastime that many people all over the world enjoy. It looks relatively simple from an outsider’s perspective but there is a bit more to it than meets the eye. If you are not well versed in fishing technique it can prove to be complex. At Work, Leisure, Play we sell top quality fishing rods. If you are new to the sport and want to get your feet wet, get our Jarvis Walker Tuff Tip Fishing Rod. It is easy to use and great for beginners.

To find out how you can set up a fishing rod, read on!

1. Get acquainted with the different parts

A fishing rod is a complex piece of equipment and it is advised that you get acquainted with the different parts before you start your assembly. For rods that break into two parts, the joint where the two sections fit together is called the ferrule. The rule of thumb is that you fit the male ferrule into the female ferrule. The grip/handle is where you hold the rod.

The butt of the fishing rod is the thick bit that is closest to the handle. The tip of a fishing rod is the most flexible part and you find it right at the very top of the rod. There are rings that go along the rod and guide your fishing line, these are referred to as guides.

2. How to set up a fishing rod

Before you start setting up the rod, you need to clean it first. Wipe both pieces with a cloth so that there is no dirt or debris left on any of the pieces. Clean rods have a longer lifespan as dirt scratches and can destroy the pieces that hold the rod together. When this is done, align the male and female pieces on a flat surface. Take the female ferrule and anchor the male one around it. If there are guides that secure the ferrules, make sure that these are aligned.

When that is done, you can now attach the reel to your fishing rod. At the bottom of your fishing rod there is a female opening that is used to insert the reel. This is referred to as the reel seat. Insert your reel into the real seat. Pull the reel seat until all the pieces feel secure. Be cautious and make sure that the reel is not too tight. And that’s it, your fishing rod will now be fully set up. You can go on to thread the fishing pole and choose a lure before you start fishing.

At Work, Leisure, Play we have top quality fishing rods that you can choose from. You can discuss your specific needs with our team members and they will help you get just the right one.

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