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Perfect Guide To Choose Cushions For Your Sofa

Do you feel like your living room looks old and out of style? This often happens if you haven’t recently done any work to keep it looking fresh and updated. In these cases a living room can become a dumping ground and lose its lustre. For those that don’t have the time to do a full living room revamp, new sofa cushions can spruce up the room. Brightly coloured cushions are a fabulous way to take things up a notch. Below are some tips on how you can choose new sofa cushions.

1.    Say not to matching cushions

The easiest way to make sure that a room doesn’t look dull is by using cushions that match your sofa. Even if the sofa you comes with matching cushions, this doesn’t mean you have to use them contrasting cushions by adding colour and texture to your living room and gives it another dimension and a new style.

2.    Choose a colour palette

The most important step with this process is when you choose the colours for your new sofa cushions if chosen well, your cushions can bring all the different elements that you have in a room and make it stylish and harmonious. Choose colours that you already have in the room for the perfect finishing touch or try something different and go with cushions that are close to the current colours you currently have to make it stylish and bring a different look overall.

3.    Decide how many you need

When it comes to sofa cushions sometimes less is more. But sometimes more is more. There is no formula to how many cushions you will need the different aesthetics require different numbers for them to look nice. To get answers you can go online and look at rooms that you admire and see how many cushions they used.  

4.    Select the size and shape

After choosing all the above there is just one more aspect that you need to choose. This is the size and shape of the cushions. There are so many sizes and shapes for you to choose from if you stick to just one standard size, you may miss out on the depth that having different sizes will bring to your living room.

5.    Start shopping

This is the fun part. You have decided on which colours you need and how many cushions. You can start shopping! You need to visit a store that has a wide range of cushions available and has great quality cushions. If you don’t have the time to visit a store in person at Work, Leisure, Play we have an online store where you can view our range of sofa cushions.


At Work, Leisure, Play we specialise in home décor. We have a big catalogue that you can choose from. If you are not sure which style will look good in your home, one of our team members can help you decide. Contact us today and we can help you start the journey towards a beautiful home.

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