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How To Choose The Best Commercial Lawn Mower

A commercial lawn mower is more than just a piece of equipment it’s an investment you put into your landscaping business. A lot of professionals in the landscaping business are now tired of hearing sales pitches from company representatives that only want to move their products and don’t really care for the performance of the lawn mowers that they sell. We have a way that you can objectively choose the right commercial lawn mower for your business below.

1.    Think about your current clients

First of all, and most importantly is that you know what type of clients you usually work for is important to keep in mind when you are choosing a commercial lawn mower. The state of the art lawn mower that is either too big or too small for the properties on which you work will not do you any good. The one you choose must be able to work well on your clients’ properties. If you work on a lot of private residences then a silent lawn mower will be more suited to that.

2.    Choose one that is adjustable

If your business is small but there is a very good chance that in a little while you may have more clients and you will need a more heavy duty commercial lawn mower. To prepare for such an event, it’s prudent to choose a lawn mower that is easy to scale up your business with. A versatile trailer will be a perfect choice as it allows you to combine multiple mower types.  

3.    Consider your crew’s experience

It’s important to keep the competency and skill level of your crew in mind when you are buying new equipment that they will be expected to use. Even if you have vast knowledge on how to use virtually any type of lawn mower the same may not apply to all the members of your crew. The one you chose must be easy to use be precise and have great visibility so that any work that is done is top range.  

4.    Get the best for your budget.

Whenever anyone is buying a big piece of equipment such as a commercial lawn mower, it ultimately comes down to the budget. This will determine what kind of lawn mower you can realistically consider buying. Even so, try and make the most of your budget, small as it may be. Look out for sales and promotions that will allow you to get a lawn mower that would have otherwise been to expensive for you.

At Work, Leisure, Play we have a wide range of commercial lawn mowers that you can choose from. You can discuss your specific needs with our team members and they will help you get just the right one for your business.

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